Monday, July 6, 2015

A Day in My Real Life

I decided to join up with the girls for their Beautiful Mess link-up. The prompt this time around was "A Day in My Real Life." So here goes. This is a Monday in my life.

5:55 a.m. -  The time my alarm wakes me up, typically accompanied by Starla being naughty and jumping on the bed and licking my face. She thinks the alarm is meant for her to pounce. She gets a 15-20 minute walk depending on how many times I snooze my alarm. Then shower, get ready, and run out the door. 

7:30 a.m. - After about a twenty-minute drive, I'm at work. I live in spreadsheet and database world the majority of the time. Don't let that telephone fool you, I rarely have to pick up the phone, thank god. 

3:30 p.m. - Time to head home. I'm always greeted by this lovely face who can't wait two minutes for me to change out of my work attire into walking attire. I try to walk her at least 45 minutes, but since it's been so hot and humid out, sometimes it gets cut a bit short. We were able to get a nice long walk in, and I even let her romp around leash-free on the soccer fields because there was no one else in sight. 

5:00 p.m. - If I didn't jog with Starla during her walk, I'll typically end up back down at the gym in my building for a quick work out. I've been trying to be good since I've moved into a new building and only use their facilities, but sometimes I just crave a group cycling class or zumba. We'll see how long I can motivate myself without splurging on a new gym membership. 

6:00 p.m. - It's bad how lazy I've become with cooking now that I'm only cooking for myself. I have an inane amount of take-out or leftovers in my fridge most days. I'll strategically eat out at a restaurant and save half of my meal for tomorrow's lunch or dinner. Otherwise, I'll cook something simple like chicken and rice, pizza, tacos, you know, the healthy stuff...

7:00 p.m. - I am so happy that the sun stays out so late now. I can usually get to the pool earlier if I don't end up going to the gym. I've been good recently and putting on sunscreen! It's so easy to forget since I rarely ever burn, but I really need to start being better to my skin. Thank you Ashley for packing sunscreen in my gift box, because that's what I'm using right now! I've been able to knock out a bunch of reading at the pool, too. 

8:00 p.m. - Around this time, I'll head back in since the sun sets behind the concrete tree-tops of high-rises surrounding my building. I pull out my laptop, turn on the Netflix and Chromecast and find something good to watch. I'm notorious for having restless hands, so lots of my blogging gets done when I'm multitasking sappy romance movies or SVU marathons on Netflix. 

If I'm done blogging for the evening, sometimes the knitting gets pulled out. Honestly, this picture is a bit inaccurate, because most likely I'll be drinking wine instead of a Diet Coke but I was being good this evening. 

10:30 a.m. - Did I ever tell you how much of a grandma I am? Yes, my bedtime is around 10:30 every night. If I make it to 11, that's a late night for me. So I put my knitting away in it's basket, take out my contacts, wash my face, brush teeth, plop in bed, and it's lights out for me. 

Now looking back at this, dang, I have boring and predictable life. I think I might come back later and do "A Day In My Real Life - Weekend Edition" because that is a lot more interesting, I promise!

How do your days look?

A Beautiful Mess

Say hello to this month's sponsor:

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