Wednesday, December 24, 2014

2015 Resolutions

2014, as many would agree with me, was a wild year. Typically, I have liked to live day to day with no overall goals or any "5-year plans" (cue-eye roll), but this year that's all changed. I've never really written down a resolution list other than the general "I will lose weight this year." So let's change that too!

1. Go to the gym three times, EVERY WEEK. Along with this comes, stop making excuses, you lazy bum.
2. Every time I think "I can't do that!" To challenge myself to try to do that.
3. Be more outspoken at work about my ideas and to not let one or two denials shut me down for future ideas.
4. Stop letting my dog think she's the alpha. Sorry Starla, it's time to crack down.
5. Read 100 books! I think I read about 50 or so this year, but in all my free time that I waste on reality tv, video games, or stuffing my face for no reason other than boredom, I think I can squeeze in some time for reading.
6. I think this has been kind of carried along for years now, but I want to define it. Be a better friend. To keep in touch more, to pay attention to details more, to call more, and to always pick up.
7. Stop double-guessing myself.
8. Devote time to developing this blog as a creative outlet, and be proud of my new found online voice. (Aka share with friends more and make a Facebook for it!!)

I think this is a good start, I might add more in the days coming up to New Years. That being said, do you share any of the same resolutions for 2015? Or maybe any tips?

Sidenote: blogging on vacation is hard. I tried scheduling some posts before I left but the creative juices just weren't flowing until I literally set foot in our hotel. I'm currently typing this out on my iPhone on Wordpress mobile! Could use some improvement but it works just well enough. Also if you don't know html at least a little bit this would be really confusing. :)


  1. […] I promise this is the last New Year’s post I will have. I’ve put up my resolutions, and I’ve made my 101 in 1001 list, so I’ll make this […]

  2. […] is my one of New Years resolutions. I made this “Remember-lutions” jar. Decorate a mason jar to represent yourself & […]

  3. […] will be the first week I’ve completed my resolution of “workout three times a week”. I’m going to Body Pump tonight. Les Mills for […]

  4. […] only reason I pay for a gym membership, are the group fitness classes. In addition, getting fit and going to the gym at least three times a week is one of my resolutions that I completed last week, and definitely won’t complete this week […]


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